How to send the right SMS to your target

How to send the right SMS to your target



The companies keep wondering how to talk with their potential clients. Many of these companies don’t know the power, the reach and the effectiveness on a text message. However, it’s not just about having the availability to send a message. There are certain elements that you have to keep in mind if you want to succeed on this mission. So, stop right there and take notes of these tips to send the SMS that your target wants to read.


Make it short.

A short and brief message is the key when it comes to SMS. Even though the platform allows extending a little, you take the risk of lose your target’s attention. Then, maybe they decide that is not interesting anymore so they stop reading. That’s why we recommend sending a short message, so you guarantee an efficient use.


Give a gift.

One of the extraordinary uses of SMS in mobile marketing is to make a gift to your target. We are talking about offering a discount or the opportunity they win something because of you and your brand. Make a call to action to participate in a contest in your social media channels or in another of the dozens of platforms ATL or BTL. The advantage is that this is one of the best techniques to create awareness, excitement and engagement.


Know your people.

You should proceed depending on what is your objective sending massive text messages and also your target’s features. The characteristics, habits, etc, will determine the tone of communication, especially the hour and date of the SMS. It’s not the same to talk to a college boy, than do it with a 40 years old executive. The language used by the first one might be distant from the language of the second one. The good news is that both of them are available to receive a text message on their cell phone.


Segment your receivers.

Just like in any marketing strategy, you have to segment your audience, because probably you won’t have success if you send a rock concert invitation to a grandpa. Keep in mind the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, besides any other useful sign from your target that helps you knowing the most suitable receiver of your SMS.


Watch the grammar and spelling.

Because you are sending a text message, an informal manner to contact with your target, doesn’t mean that you are going to write with the same informality as well. Watch the punctuation marks, the right form to every word and sentence. Even the writing style are fundamental when it comes to mobile messaging.


Prepare your SMS with the appropriate parameters so you can seize your resources. Feel free to contact Tedexis team to engage with our massive delivery messages service. And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn: @Tedexis

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