5 reasons why mobile banking is the future now

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5 reasons why mobile banking is the future now




The future can’t be seen, but with all this technological advances we are able to know one thing: there will be changes toward a kind of Bicentenary Man society. In the bank industry, the organizations are analyzing the way to prosper through the ground that mobile banking has gained.

 Banks have at least 5 good reasons to keep moving in this direction. They are:

 1.  More and more people are using mobile devices

There is not just one or two, but many studies and projections about the growth in cellphone use. According to the numbers compiled by Hootsuite and We Are Social, in June 2017 there was, at least, 5 billion of mobile users. This represents 67% of the entire world. Do you have a cellphone? Sure you do.


2.  Internet access is increasing

From the same numbers of Hootsuite and We Are Social, we can take the fact that 3.811 billion of people have access to internet and it’s expanding the amount of people who have it, as well as the number of people using a mobile device. Think about the possibility of reaching more people with a simple click.


3.  Even some banks are closing branches

For example, one of the most well know cases is in the UK, where 1.000 branches have closed over the last two years. Other bank companies, in other countries, are resisting this improvement. Despite this, the tendency continues growing and companies will notice that maybe they are swimming against the current.


4.  Backup is easier, cheaper and faster

It is true that virtual data can be hacked, but at the same time things can happen to papers in branches, for example, a fire in the building. Having said that, it is easier to move information to another place. There is no investment in a bunch of paper, printers or walls. And wouldn’t exist many lines of people waiting.


5.  More trees can grow

One of the benefits of mobile banking is that there is no need to use the same amount of paper. That’s an advantage because, in the end, we have to take care of our planet.


Some banks are understanding that this is the future of their services. Others will take some time to adjust, but there is no doubt that adapting is a necessity.


Do you have another reason why mobile banking is the future right now? Share with us, comment.

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